Feeling adventurous ? How about joining a caving project in Kyrgyzstan ? Following this year's expedition, the Foundation for the Preservation and Exploration of Caves ( www.speleo.kg ) has some new topographic plans for a numbers of new caves in Kyrgyzstan. That is 30 new caves explored and to be explored . The Foundation for the Preservation and Exploration of Caves is eager to invite cavers and scientists to join their projects in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. That would be 5 projects for Kyrgyzstan in unexplored karst areas :Summer and autumn reconnaissance expeditions have shown great prospects in these areas. In May-June of 2018, A speleological expedition to Chatkal (south-western Tien Shan). is stting up which so far already involoves a team of 10 cavers from Israel. Anyone who wants to take part in the expedition to Chatkal is welcome join the exped...
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